Yiannis Ravanis

human of the internet era, thinking out loud

I make robots that can see the world

I began my career at ASV as an autonomous systems R&D engineer, developing machine learning image classification systems for USVs, including a research project for Innovate UK to evaluate the impact of synthetic data sets on the training of CNN classifiers. I contributed to the advancement of USV sensing solutions, employing hybrid sensor approaches for positioning and navigating USVs, particularly for launch and recovery operations.

I coach development teams and creative individuals

I specialize in coaching software development teams in agile principles, utilizing XP, Scrum, and other frameworks tailored to meet the unique needs of each team and product. I am passionate about mentoring creative individuals, helping them overcome creative blocks and develop innovative, out-of-the-box solutions.


Are you interested in enhancing your computer vision systems or improving your team's agility? Do you need a creative, technically oriented person to contribute fresh ideas and out-of-the-box thinking to your project? Email me to discuss how my expertise can help you achieve your goals.